Thursday, April 02, 2009

Change (Or ' A Lame Attempt at Depth')

Is that all there is?
The sum total of life and living?
Change after the next
In an endless sequence of change
Change changing at every change of change,
Yet changeless?
Every moment different yet the same
As it has been from the beginning.
Our curse:
That all men must live it
And one day leave living it
And change
In that immortal changeless fashion
That changeless through change
And changing times has stood

There is nothing new under the face of the sun
Naught but unchanging change
(Reeking with the staleness of changeless millenia)
Life viciously cycling with unchanging constancy
Changing... Changeless
Ever different
Ever the same

Sunday, March 15, 2009

(Title: Couldn't Find One)

Of hearts, hushed beating
Of lungs, deep breathing
Of minds, no thinking
(Just bliss)
Of souls, meeting

Each cleaved to the other
By these flames
Bound, (willful slaves)
By these shackles
By these ties that bind
In a union unbreakable
Not even by death

A confluence of two lives
Birth of a greater stream
A flow so mighty
Nature doth not contend
That carves itself a canyon
In the hard crust of history
Immortalising flimsy flows
That alone,
(In the heat of life)
In this desert of loneliness
Alien to mists and rainfalls-
Of love, of laughter, of joy-
Beaten upon by a cruel and unforgiving sun,
Would have long been but dry and dusty gullies
Riding no more than whistling winds
Housing naught but snakes and scorpions
(And castaway demons?)
Shadows of their potential glories
Testimonies of loveless livings,
Forsaken of God...