Saturday, September 03, 2011

I Will Write About You

I will write about you
And loving you
And losing you
And seeking you again.

I loved you
Though how much I cannot tell
And why I do not know
And how I have no clue
And for how long is beyond me.
For there is no measure enough
And there is no reason sufficient
And there is no means proper…
And I still love you at the ending of time.

I will write about you
And losing you
And seeking you again.

I lost you
And I lost my world
My mind.

I will write about you
And seeking you again.

I WILL seek you
I will have you again
And we will sit together
On time’s shore
And watch the last surf break.
And at the breaking of day
It will be your hand that will be in mine
And we will watch eternity dawning.

I will write about you.