Thursday, May 30, 2013



But I will love you Today
For as many Todays as there are
Because Today is all I have to give
It is all I call my own
-I am only a man

Forever belongs to God
And now that I ponder it
I would rather be a man
With only Today to give
And to worry about

I could not contain an eternity of love for you
It would consume me
-make me mad

But today:
Today I can love you with every breath
And every beat of my heart,
And every thought

Let God love forever!
I will love you Today
As only a man can love
Desperately aware that every day I love you
Is a day less to love you
Painfully conscious of the single truth of life
That all men-
Even those in whom the fevers of love burn hot enough to kindle suns-
All men must die.
Loving must some day cease
(But not Today.)
(Not yet.)