Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sweet as the Morning (or 5454)

Sweet as the morning…

That’s what you are

Radiant as the sunlight ooze of first light

Fiery yet warm

Glorious yet hiding

Some mystery of night

Sweet as morning’s music

That’s what your voice is

A chorus of a thousand

And another thousand song birds

Whose music bids soul rouse

From dark deathly slumber.

I would rise if for nothing

But to hear those birds sing

Fresh as morning’s crisp air

Such is your presence

Oh I feel reborn

If you’re standing beside me

I could weep were it not unmanly

At this newness you give me

My lass of dawn.

And yet…

Fleeting as morning

And her dews and her sweet scents

Is this fire we share

For soon mighty fires

Become glowing embers

Become smouldering ash

Become chilled cold hearths

And beside these bodies tremble

Desperately clinging

To each other for warmth

As to life’s failing breath

Perhaps it is good to linger in night


Than to find hope

Then lose it

But perhaps it is better to be

Consumed by the rapture of finding that hope

And to joy and make merry while it lasts

Than to never have sought it

At all

But perhaps only the gods know best…

That I were a god

How sweet my mornings would forever be.

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